Mr. Joe Dames is the Chief Executive Officer and co-founder of Sherpa 6, Inc., a veteran owned small business. Joe is an innovative and highly adaptive leader that brings a wealth of experience building teams, establishing strong organizational culture and enabling the people around him to realize their true potential. Joe’s experience in the Army gave him the skills required to rapidly assess his environment, calculate risk, effectivity communicate intent and lead his team to success regardless of the difficulty. Never accepting status-quo, Joe along with several other like-minded individuals, helped the Army accomplish the following; transition to Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) End User Devices (EUD), saving the government several billions of dollars in tax payer funding and enabling rapid acquisitions; pivot to Secure but Unclassified (SBU) below the battalion echelon to improve SA/C2 and tactical communications; adopt the Tactical Assault Kit (TAK) for all conventional forces; and develop the Integrated Tactical Network (ITN).